Coding with Lego WeDo!
Various classes have been busy this week making use of the Lego WeDo kits. The kits challenge the students to build robots & devices that
Various classes have been busy this week making use of the Lego WeDo kits. The kits challenge the students to build robots & devices that
Here are some of the wonderful art and wall displays from about the school this October!
MegaDojo is coming to Dundalk Institute of Technology this Saturday, 13th October.
Recently, our infant teachers met with parents to inform them of how literacy is taught in our infant classes. We have included the presentation here
Last Friday was the first of our Assemblies that included our Prize Draw to reward student good behaviour. It was fitting that the assembly itself
Foróige have been a very important organisation in our community for our young people and they continue this year to make use of our gym