Wet Weather Procedures
On wet mornings, there will be 5 doors open to the school (see arrows on map), with a staff member at each, as well as
On wet mornings, there will be 5 doors open to the school (see arrows on map), with a staff member at each, as well as
Important information regarding procedures for collecting children at end of school day.
I hope you’re all keeping well – thank you for your patience as we prepare for reopening our school on August 27th. Over the last two weeks I’ve been working hard to ensure that we have everything in place for the end of August.
The key thing is to get everyone back to school in a way that minimises risk to the health of our pupils, parents and staff and we’re all very familiar at this stage with the sensible measures we need to take to protect ourselves and each other.
We thought this service might be of interest to you or someone you know. It is a free initiative from the HSE.