Springtime Artwork around School
Classes have been very busy this term adding wonderful art to the school walls…
Classes have been very busy this term adding wonderful art to the school walls…
Fourth Class were busy this week creating wonderful posters to help build awareness of the importance of Online Safety and positive Digital Citizenship…
Unfortunately we couldn’t welcome parents and guardians into school this year for our annual Hat Parade but we did record the event to share with you so enjoy the video below and have a safe and restful break everyone. See you all again on April 12th.
We have compiled some images of our activities and celebrations here in a slideshow video for you to view.
…our annual hat parade is on next Friday 26th March. This years theme is “Reach for the Skies”. Unfortunately we won’t be able to have parents in to view the parade this year but keep an eye for our parade video on our website.
To mark Seachtain na Gaeilge and St Patrick’s Day we are celebrating Lá Glas on Tuesday 16th of March. Children are invited to wear all things green to school on the day.
The next phase of return is on Monday March 15th for all primary school children in 3rd to 6th class.
Religious education for the Sacrament classes will commence on Wednesday March 3rd at 3pm via Zoom and activities will be carried out on SeeSaw.