On Friday a team from 6th Class took part in the VEX Robotics Regional Championships at DKIT. We had been preparing for the event since September and there was huge excitement in the build-up. Schools from all over Louth, Meath and north Dublin took part in the first of these championships to be held here. We had commendable performances from our robot “Scorpio” masterfully driven by our drivers Sean, Philip and Rachel. Even with the misfortune of a failed motor and a sensor that simply never wanted to do what it was told, we overcame the adversity and scored very well in each round. When the prize-giving took place at the end of the event it sadly wasn’t to be our year but the judges were very impressed and commended us on the efforts put in throughout by all team members. We look forward to participating again next year. Well done everyone!
- 041-9849001
- office@astonvillageetns.com
- 29/03/2025