Dear Parents and Families,
We hope you are doing ok in this challenging time. With school closed (for now until the 20th April but this may be extended), we are keeping communication open through the Aladdin Connect app, email and Seesaw – we would encourage you to continue to check these regularly.
Today is the beginning of the two week Spring holidays. Teachers and children will be logging off Seesaw and will return on Monday 20th April. Children and staff have been working very hard to adjust to this new situation and it is important at the end of the term to take a break.
If the school remains closed after the two week break, we will provide online reading accounts on the Reading Eggs app (ages 2-13) for all parents who request them. Children can progress with this app independently and their progress is automatically available to their teachers. As the school must order this app individually for students, if you intend for your child to use Readings Eggs, can you complete this form (once for each child) to request it please.
For more information about how Seesaw is working, including which teachers you may hear from, click here. If you need any technological support, please email techsupport@astonvillageetns.
Thanks to all in the school community for pulling together by staying apart!