With such a large volume of traffic in the school in the mornings we would like to bring your attention to the following:
* We have both parents and children with disabilities who cannot arrive safely without access to the disabled parking bay so please do not park in it.
* The area outside the Coiscéim entrance is for set down only and priority must always be given to the buses that are dropping off children with special needs.
* Please respect directions from our caretaker Frank if given. His job is to monitor the traffic situation in the mornings to help ensure the safety of the children arriving to school.
* Do not make 3 point turns at the school gates – this is extremely dangerous with such a large volume of children entering, many of whom are very small and not always visible.
* We highly recommend that children who are walking or cycling to school wear Hi-Viz jackets so that they are visible, especially as the mornings are already becoming darker.
* Please respect the Dunlin Street residents. Do not use their driveways for turning your vehicle and never block an entrance.
* The Dunlin Street silver gate will be open for morning drop offs only. In the afternoons collections should be made via the main school gates with access to the yard through reception or along the side of the building past the Clever Clogs crèche entrance. Please wait in yard for your children to be brought to you and not in the corridors.
We hope that you all appreciate that the safety of our children is paramount and that we can all work together to make the area as safe as possible during drop off and collection times.