Courtesy, compliments and comradery were much in evidence this morning as we brought a close to ‘kindness week’ at our first assembly of the school year. Two children from each class were commended by their teachers and principal Dermot for particular kindness efforts they have exhibited. It was great to see our hall full and each of the awarded children being roundly applauded and recognised by their peers. At one stage I saw a senior infant winner being hugged by a classmate for getting the certificate! Cathal from 1st class was very taken by the presentations and was keen to point out to Dermot that he was deserving of an award. Classes from the junior end of the school and senior end contributed songs and rhymes to the occasion and there was even a kindness pledge recited by Sandra and Alicia’s classes. Chloe from 6th class shared with us her speech which she will address the National Dyspaxia Association with on Saturday in Athlone. We also had Kyle share with us his picture which described his act o for kindness helping his dad up after falling. Many random notes of kindness and favour were passed about the hall raising everyone’s spirits in what was a very enjoyable assembly. Well done everyone and why not share some kindness around this weekend!
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- 10/03/2025