Happy Mid-Term break everyone! Thanks to all the kids, parents and staff for your hard work and patience these last few weeks. You’re all doing an amazing job! Enjoy your well-deserved break from home-schooling next week and hopefully the weather will be nice enough to get out and about within 5km.
Well done to Rebecca and Zoe who used their footsteps to measure the new path this week while out enjoying a breath of fresh air. All answers are correct, depending on your shoe size. Why don’t you have a go next week…and maybe you can think of a good name for our new path – Lockdown Lane? Pandemic Path? Aston Avenue?
Remote learning via Seesaw and Zoom will continue for our mainstream classes from February 22nd and we look forward to reopening Coiscéim for in-person learning on the 22nd. Take care everyone and thank you!
We’ll see you all soon,
Principal Dermot