What a fantastic day of sporting success! Yet again our fifth and sixth class students did us proud at the annual Garda Sports Day event at the O Raghallaigh grounds but this year’s cohort surpassed all previous years by WINNING the overall event! Yes, this year we took home the Garda Tom Connolly memorial trophy, beating the best that all other local schools could put up against us including very worthy competition from St. Paul’s N.S. who had previously won 4 years in a row. One of our undoubted stars of present and future, Saran lead home the field in the 100m before joining fellow teammates, Karlis, Harry and Jordan to obliterate the field in the very prestigious 4x100m relay final. Special commentation goes to Jill, Jordan and Whitney who all placed and competed well in their disciplines, whilst Julia and Genevieve represented us well in the final of the wheelbarrow race. Others are too numerous to mention here for their great showing and for representing their school impeccably as competitors and supporters. This was a point keenly made by the adjudicators today as was pointed out our fantastic supportive art work which was all down to the children from Paula’s sixth class. Well done to everyone not least Paula, Lisa, Orla, Des, Mark, Louise, Melissa, Maeve and Mark for all the effort & tireless preparation!
- 041-9849001
- office@astonvillageetns.com
- 11/03/2025