- 041-9849001
- office@astonvillageetns.com
- 13/03/2025
As part of Safer Internet Day my school are hoping to have the below post shared across Facebook and the world. We would… Posted by
Children from Des’ class got the chance to use our Google Chromebooks for the first time earlier and the initial reaction was very positive. Des
We had a very busy week of lessons on the subject of road safety this week from the Road Safety Authority of Ireland. Children learned
Our January 2016 Newlsetter is now available below and if you would like to receive this by email please follow this link. No
Well done to our students from 5th and 6th who represented us at the Young Scientists Exhibition in Dublin’s RDS today. They were a credit
Hello everyone and Happy New Year to all our friends and families. In our Infant classes we are changing the play theme for the month
No doubts, regular exercise and medications are playing on the minds of folk all around the World. Today, pharmacy is the ideal way to order