Recent months have been very busy in school. In March, classes put the final touches to their STEAM Fair projects and this year we decided to have the displays of our projects outside of our classrooms on the corridors for all to visit and see. This year we also added the ‘A’ for ‘Arts’ to the acronym ‘STEM’ making ‘STEAM’, Science Technology, Engineering, ARTS and Maths. This reflects how the Arts can be linked to all the other 4 subjects and the importance of using our imaginations in relation to our learning of STEM subjects. We had projects ranging from the amazing Life Cycle of a Frog (in Coisceim) and Geodesic Dome Construction (6th Class), to Scribble-Bots (2nd Class) and Coding with Micro:bits (4th Class)! Our Junior Infants looked at the basics of animation through Thaumatropes, whilst our Senior Infant classes looked at what a circuit is and we were amazed to see that our bodies contain electricity! Third Classes used our newly purchased construction tools (kindly sponsored by our PTA grant) to construct a cardboard model of our school and a castle that will be used by our Infant classes in Aistear. First class looked at the component colours of white light and made spinners to show how these colours merge to form white whilst our fifth classes looked at Levers, Cogs (Gears) and Pulleys and their various uses. Such was the amazing standard of projects exhibited in the school, we also decided that this year we would recognise the effort of all students and staff by awarding some categories of prizes for the below:
A huge “Well Done” to all classes for a fantastic exhibition of STEAM learning!
We hope you enjoy the galleries of our projects shared below.