This year’s Active Schools Week took place last week and proved as ever, very popular and successful. Like last year, we are took part in the Super Trooper programme. Children received a Super Trooper’s Activity Journal. This includes short activities that the children completed as part of their active homework for the week.
We had Physical Activity Stations in school each day where the children from each class took part in a half hour per day of fun physical activities. In classes we had extra daily activities such as Ten at 10 where at 10 o’clock each morning the children ‘dropped everything’ in their classroom and did 10 minutes of physical activity. Many students took part in Walk All Week where they were encouraged to walk or cycle every day. Thursday was cycle to school day and as evident by the huge number of bicycles at the bike sheds, this was a great success. Particularly popular was the Drop Everything And Dance. The song “Cha Cha Slide” was played on the intercom during break inviting the children to dance along! We has a series of Sport Quizzes towards the end of the week testing everyone’s knowledge on all things sport-related. Well done everyone!