Yet another year but a year like no other. Today we said goodbye to our latest graduate students as they make their way from Aston Village ETNS on to their respective secondary schools. In keeping within the ongoing Covid-19 guidelines, we elected to have this year’s graduation in the school hall where class bubbles and individual pods could be managed at safe distances.  As was mentioned by the teachers Sinead and James in their speeches, hopefully the now familiar phrases of ‘social distancing’, bubbles and pods etc will soon become things of the past and forever associated with the last 18 months.

Below, we are sharing with you an album of the photos from the ceremony today along with a short video clip compiling the ceremony and what might now become a new tradition at avetns, a parade walk by the sixth class graduates through the school corridors for one last time as the staff and younger classes applaud them on their way. This year’s cohort will remember their final years at avetns as challenging and yet rewarding and certainly will have equiped them with a degree of resilience for the years ahead of them. We make special mention of our boys Rhys and Alex from Brian’s Senior Coisceim class who both leave us with fond memories and smiles and as Brian mentioned, have progressed and grown to become fine young students who will be greatly missed.

Also, as part of their graduation experience some of the students in sixth class interviewed some staff and fellow students to get their thoughts on their time at Aston Village ETNS and the graduation. There is a link to the interviews below.

We wish you all a very safe and enjoyable summer and the very best for your new adventures in secondary school.