In January’s Newsletter there was a mention of the fantastic work that children, parents and staff had recently put into our new Library. The Library will be officially opened next Thursday (5th March) to coincide with World Book Day (see below).

We will also host a Book Fair in the Library next week and we welcome you to come along and support it. The Book Fair will be opened for children and parents from Tuesday to Friday next week (3rd March -6th March) from 8.30am – 9am and from 1.15pm-2.45pm.

Thursday 5th March is World Book Day – We are having a ‘Dress up Day’. The children are encouraged to dress up as their favourite character from a book.

Lastly, if you are available and you would like to volunteer to help with the Book Fair next week, please let us know via comment here on this post or at our facebook page. There will be a meeting for interested volunteers in the library on Monday 2nd March at 2.15pm (All welcome).

Many thanks for your continued and valued support.

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