Hi everyone, and welcome to our new infant blog for all things Aistear, Maistear and play related! Here we will update you all on what is going on inside our infant classrooms, and try to show some of the endless learning that takes place when the children are at play.
For the last number of weeks the junior infants have been learning all about themselves. The theme ‘Myself’ gives the children an opportunity to learn and explore new language around families, homes and the human body, as well as being a useful tool to help create a sense of self and a place in their brand new environment, Big School. Through a range of activities such as role play, small world, construction and art, we’ve explored these topics and made some interesting discoveries. The children enjoyed listening to the different names we call our mums, dads and grandparents. We learned about the different kinds of homes that each live in. We built our bodies using blocks, and practised taking care of the babies, bath time was a particular highlight. Have a look through the photos and you can see how hard the children have been working. It has been a wonderful start to the new school year, and we hope they’ve had lots of fun!